During the certification boot camp, you may choose between IT CPM (Information Technology Certified Project Manager) and CPM (Certified Project Manager) designations. At a set time in the program there will be two tracks – one for the students seeking their IT CPM designation and one for the students seeking their CPM designation. Once those tracks are completed, the students will continue the program together.
The PMLG IT CPM and CPM credentials are different than the PMP® credential in that the CPM demonstrates that the individual is certified in the application of both project management and leadership skills. It is a performance-based certification whereas the PMP® is examination based. The certification provides the practical “how” of implementing project management methodology. The PMP® credential through the Project Management Institute demonstrates that the certification holder is knowledgeable with the accepted concepts presented within the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge TM, published by PMI. The individual who holds both certifications demonstrates that he or she not only understands the “what” of project management, but that he or she has demonstrated the skill, confidence and discipline to successfully apply outstanding project management and leadership processes, tools and techniques.
The certified project manager boot camp is a great way to help prepare you for taking the PMP® examination. Many students have testified that the certified project manager boot camp played a critical role in their preparation for the PMP® examination.
The cost of the certified project manager boot camp program includes instruction, participant guide, class supplies, PMLG methodology CD, room & board, and certification testing. The cost of travel to and from the location is the student’s responsibility.
All students are asked to remain onsite during the certified project manager boot camp. The course hours and the team casework are not suitable for the commuting student.
The answer to this question begins with the student. Each student who attends the certified project manager boot camp comes with certain strengths and challenges. The program allows a student to develop greater skill in his or her areas of challenge. Many students find when leaving the program that both their hard-skills for project management and their soft-skills with people are greatly improved. Many students express the common comment that they left the certified project manager boot camp learning more about themselves