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Experiential-based Leadership Development

“Excellence is an art won by training and habit. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather have those because we have acted rightly.We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  –  Aristotle

Fewer than 20% of all corporations are confident that their leaders have the skills and experience to successfully deliver on strategic goals.  Traditional leadership development programs continue to fail at producing effective leaders.  Leadership skills cannot be developed in the classroom.  They are only effectively developed in realistic experiential-based immersion training.  Unfortunately, most leaders “learn on the job”.   Learning on the job results in failed projects, programs and ultimately failure to achieve strategic goals. Classroom-based training does not rapidly develop and mature leadership processes.  That is why the military develops their leaders in challenging and realistic, experiential-based immersion training.   For over 25 years,  PMLG has been providing training that rapidly matures skills and changes behavior.  Students return to their organizations with the skills. confidence and discipline to immediately apply what they have learned to their own initiatives.  The return on investment is immediate.   Our experiential-based training has become the standard developent program for corporations interested in transforming to strategic execution excellence.

Contact us to discover how our unique and effective approach to leadership development can become your standard approach to developing outstanding leaders across your organization.

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Very worthwhile program from many views;  hands-on training combined with a foundation of practical tools was outstanding.  Excellent instructors!  Learning team dynamics as well as leadership skills was an outstanding experience!

Melissa May

Business Analyst/Project Manager - Cingular Wireless

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Contact us at the PMLG office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
