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Leadership Excellence Boot Camp


The Leadership Excellence Boot Camp is an unique training program for managers and promising leaders across any corporation.  This experiential-based program rapidly matures leadership skills of attendees by fully immersing them into a realistic project over a 4 day and 5 night period.  Students work in teams, providing a safe environment for them to learn through application of practical and proven techniques.  Leaders are responsible for building and leading effective teams while planning and executing projects.   During this exciting programs, students are provided the opportunity to build a strong team from “scratch” while maturing their soft skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, problem solving, critical thinking, maturing the “soft” leadership skills and traits of our students, i.e. emotional intelligence, communication, facilitation, effective collaboration and problem solving, innovative thinking, conflict management.      Skills and traits exhibited by outstanding leaders.   We take the same experiential-based approach as the CPM Boot Camp with one key exception.  Because the Leadership Excellence Boot Camp does not extend into the evening hours, we conduct the team exercises throughout each of the three days.   There is very little lecture.  Learning takes place during the simulations.   This provides a more effective and exciting learning environment.  Leadership topics covered during this exciting program include:

  • rapidly growing and leading productive project teams
  • effectively managing client, executive, and stakeholder relationships
  • efficiently and effectively facilitating collaboration and problem solving
  • conflict management
  • innovative thinking
  • proactive thinking and planning
  • understanding emotional intelligence and increasing your own emotional intelligence quotient
  • counseling and coaching
  • applying the Johari and Hertzberg window
  • leading multi-generationa

Make an investment in becoming an outstanding leader. Gain the confidence to successfully lead organizations of any size and complexity. Immediately enhance your leadership skills through this exciting and intense training program from PMLG, the leaders in experiential-based training. During this program, you will be completely immersed into a realistic and challenging simulation where you will learn and apply practical and proven techniques for negotiating, decision-making, influencing, collaboration, conflict management, communicating and motivating. You will learn and apply proven leadership techniques for effectively managing executives, governance committees, clients and sponsors. You will learn how to rapidly grow and lead productive project and program teams and how to use practical and proven techniques for effective and efficient collaboration, problem solving and innovative thinking. During this exciting simulation, you will learn about the importance of understanding emotional intelligence and you will have the opportunity to increase your emotional intelligence quotient. Techniques you will learn and apply include Herzberg and the Johari Window. Learn how to lead team members representing different generations and cultures.

Hours of the workshop are from 8:30am to 4:30pm each day. Lunch and refreshments are included in the fee. Contact Kristin Vasey at 678-325-1100 or kvasey@pmlg.com about discounted pricing for PMI members and our clients.

This is an advanced leadership certificate program. Pre-requisites for attending the training is the PMP or PMLG’s CPM certifications. Contact us if you wish to request an exception.


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This was the best course I have taken.

Lisa VanRoekel

Drive Financial

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