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Troubled Project Recovery


Runaway projects and programs are one of the most costly and (unfortunately) prevalent occurrences today. Unfortunately, $ billions are lost each year to projects that are out of control. Typically caused by vague objectives, poor planning or no planning, poor communications and scope identification and control, runaway projects eat up dollars and resources, damaging morale and the credibility of the organization.

We have extensive experience in successfully and rapidly bringing failing projects and programs under control. Our proven approach to assessing project and program health and establishing an accurate plan and schedule not only saves projects and programs, but provides team members and project leaders with a roadmap of how to properly plan and execute projects and programs the next time around.

Don’t let your projects and programs continue to spiral out of control. Contact us at [email to=”sboyle@pmlg.com”]sboyle@pmlg.com[/email] to set up a meeting to discuss how we can help you recover your troubled project or program.

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The opportunity to get experiential training that will immediately be applied on the job is invaluable. Another key benefit was building relationships with our colleagues. I can’t think of another opportunity we had to do that quickly or in as much depth.

Debbie Merrill

Merck & Co

How can we help you?

Contact us at the PMLG office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
